How To Take Care Of Your Lips Post Filler

One of our most frequently asked questions is how to properly take care of your lips post dermal filler. Although the actual procedure takes a very short amount of time and is non invasive the after care is essential. There are a few things you must avoid in order to achieve the most flawless results possible. These 7 steps will help to prevent swelling, bruising, pain and will give you a natural look.

1. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after treatment.

2. Avoid hot temperatures for at least 24 hours after treatment.

3. Use an ice pack on your lips.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Avoid excessive salt for 24 hours as this can dehydrate.

6. On the first day stick to foods that are easy to eat and chew, this means you’re less likely to have to wipe your lips and disturb the injection site.

7. Avoid vitamin E supplements for a couple of days as this can increase the risk of bruising.

Post dermal filler Dr. Nayan will go over what you should expect post treatment and all the necessary steps to take in order to maintain flawless lips. If you every have any questions highly encourage phoning us at (226) 887-8483 or e-mailing us at

Micaela Sacchetti