Lip Filler Facts

Lip Filler is one of our most popular procedures here at Vive Medispa, I mean who wouldn’t want flawless lips!! It is also the procedure we have the most questions about so we decided to answer some of our most asked lip filler questions.

1. Is It Possible To Have Natural Looking Lip Filler?

Yes!! The natural can defiantly be achieved it just depends on who is injecting you. Dr. Nayan examines each clients lips for symmetry and overall shape so the filler can be placed accordingly. If someone is looking for a plump look, filler can be gradually added over multiple visits so the shape looks natural. This prevents the “duck lip” look and gives you a natural looking pout.

2. Does Lip Filler Stretch Your Lip Forever?

No, contrary to popular belief your lips will not deflate or crease after your filler dissolves. Injecting your lips actually stimulates your own natural collagen production, meaning your lips will actually remain slightly larger after injections.

3. Does Lip Filler Dissolve Naturally?

Yes, filler does dissolve over time and the time frame is different for every individual depending on how quickly their body metabolizes the filler. At any point you can dissolve your filler using an enzyme injection called hyaluronidase. This breaks down the particles and speeds up the rate at which the fillers dissolve.

4.Should I Get My Lips Done The Day Before An Event?

It is not recommended, although lip injections do require very little downtime there is some bruising or swelling a few days post op. It is best to get lip filler at least 1-2 weeks prior to an important event.

5. Is Numbing Cream Applied Prior To Treatment?

Yes!!! We always apply numbing cream prior to lip filler and many Vive patients have even claimed the procedure was “painless”.

until next time….. xo vive medispa

Micaela Sacchetti