Tips For Getting Long + Luscious Hair

Stop Using Heat

Using flat irons, and curling irons on your hair regularly literally fries your hair follicles. Give your hair a rest and embrace those natural curls!

Increase Your Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C may help prevent hair thinning. Its antioxidant properties fight free radicals in your body, which contributes to firmer hair. Free radicals are molecules that can damage DNA and cause hair loss.

Tie Up Your Hair Less

Tying up your hair too often or regularly using heat styling products can contribute to breakage. Give your hair a break and let it run free!!

Stay Out Of The Sun

We all know too much sun is bad for our skin but it’s bad for our hair too!The sun’s UV radiation is as harmful for the hair as it is for the skin. The UV rays cause hair damage and dryness, resulting in hair breakage.

Get Cold

As relaxing as warm water is, rinse your hair with cold water. Hot water can strip away essential oils and result in breakage.

Until Next Time…. Xo Vive medispa

Micaela Sacchetti