New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Follow

This has been a whirlwind of a year to say the least and the thought of a new start is refreshing. With each coming year we hear all about resolutions and goals but how often do we actually stick to them? We have put together a list of attainable goals to become your best self this 2021.

  1. Do Something Each Day That Makes You Happy

    We all have obligations, work, children, chores, etc but if we can make time each day even if it’s five minutes to do something we enjoy it will boost our overall happiness. This could be having a bath before bed, watching your favourite show for half an hour or even picking up your favourite Starbucks drink.

  2. Have Some Sort Of A Routine In The Morning

    Having some sort of a routine is essential to productivity levels. This could be as simple as waking up and showering every morning, washing your face or putting on a change of clothes. This kind of structure makes you feel as though you have accomplished something and sets a positive tone for your whole day.

  3. Take Care Your Skin

    Your skin is your biggest organ meaning it needs extra love and attention. Here at Vive we recommend applying lotion to your entire body day & night, drinking 8 litres of water and having a skincare routine morning and night.

  4. Do One Healthy Thing Each Day

    We know no one is perfect we cannot be healthy 24/7 or every single day of our lives but we can transition to a healthier lifestyle by implementing simple healthy changes. This could be in the form of making sure you consume greens once a day ( dip some veggies in your fav dip, hide it in a pasta sauce or even chug a green juice), practice going to sleep earlier, or just cutting down on fast food. These small changes will make a big difference.

  5. Get Outside

    We know the weather is a little less than perfect but even half an hour outside can boost your mood and energy levels. Take a walk with your dog, call up a friend for a socially distanced walk, or walk to pick up a morning coffee.

Let’s make 2021 the year of becoming our best selves and creating new positive habits.

Micaela Sacchetti