How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast

When acne arrives all we want it to do is GO AWAY but sadly that does not happen over night. However here are a few tips to speed up the process and leave you will significantly less breakouts.

1. Keep your hands off your face!

First and most important is to stop touching your face. AN especially never, ever pick at your pimple. We repeat: Do not pick at your pimple. Now this may seem impossible but each time you go to pop that pimple think of the acne scaring it will cause.

2. Tread carefully when it comes to home "remedies."

Ever heard of DIY fixes? You know the ones talking about toothpaste, or lemon juice that swear to get rid of your pimples overnight. Well it is best advised to skip these “remedies”;

Toothpaste: Toothpaste can cause many skin irritations and can even lead to allergic reactions.

Lemon juice Lemon juice is also irritating and wouldn't have any effect on the pimple itself. Aka you are doing more harm than good.

3. Apply a warm compress. 

Applying a warm compress is the easiest way to soothe your skin as soon as soon as a pimple comes on. You can use a warm compress or steam to bring everything to the surface, you can also use a cold compress to bring down the swelling of a particularly large, painful blemish. 

4. Use an acne spot treatment.

Using an effective acne a spot treatment is one of the fastest ways to get rid of stubborn pimples once they surface. Ingredients to look out for: 

  • Benzoyl peroxide to kill acne-causing bacteria.

  • Salicylic Acid to help exfoliate and unclog pores

  • Retinoids to help boost cell turnover, prompting cells to shed and preventing them from clogging.

    5. Wash Your Face Regularly

Your face can get clogged with dirt, makeup, and pollution leading to acne. Always wash your face morning, and night, post workout to avoid excess oils.

6. Go light on your makeup.

Did you know beauty products are one of the most common causes of adult acne, and unfortunately, using heavy makeup to cover your blemishes will actually make matters worse. Using minimal makeup on your skin can actually speed up the recovery process. If you do want to apply makeup look for a mineral based makeup rather than oil based as it will not block pores.

7. Tweak your diet.

Your skin has a lot to do with acne, by avoiding sugar, alcohol and dairy you will decrease your chance of breakouts. Minimizing stress is also very beneficial to preventing breakouts, we recommend trying yoga, mediation or any activity that relaxes you.

Embrace your skin at every stage, even if a few pimples pop up. Let us know if you try any of our tips and love them.

Until next time Vive Medispa

Micaela Sacchetti