How to Deal With Bruising From Lip Filler in 2021

One of the most common side effects of lip fillers is bruising.. Why? They occur when small blood vessels get punctured and leak into the soft tissue beneath. The good news is there are some tips and tricks up our sleeve that you can use to help in pre-and post-cosmetic treatment.


Pre-Appointment Tips

  • There are medications that you may want to consider stopping 1 week prior to your appointment (and with your doctor’s consent.) These medications fall under the category of blood thinners, making it more difficult for it to clot, increasing the likelihood you will bruise following your procedure. This list includes:

    • Aspirin

    • Excedrin

    • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Aleve, Advil)

    • St. John’s Wart

    • Fish Oil

    • Vitamin E

    • Ginko Biloba

    • Ginseng

    • Fenugreek

    • Garlic

  • No alcohol or green teas EVER 1-2 days before injections.

  • We would recommend consulting with an expert before the treatment.

  • Eat fresh pineapple, it contains bromelain which has been know to decrease bruising.

  • Take Arnica for a couple of days leading up to your appointment. Arnica is a homeopathic remedy to help prevent bruising/swelling.


Post-Appointment Tips

Congrats on your new fillers! Here are a few tips to avoid bruising after your procedure: 


  • Avoid alcohol for 1-2 days after injections

  • Avoid vigorous exercise for 1-2 days

  • Wait 24 hours before applying makeup

  • Apply Arnica gel it will help you heal faster

  • Apply ice packs. The ice contracts the blood vessels and lessens the chance that your bruise will spread.


Although bruising is still a possibility, these tips will help reduce your swelling significantly. While these tips and tricks can help, we always recommend planning to get your fillers done 1-2 weeks before any big event or photoshoot. It is best to aim for 2 weeks if you are someone who bruises easily.

Have more questions about fillers? Book your free consultation with Dr.Nayan today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. How long does it take for lip fillers to soften?

A. For the first 48hrs, it is typical for them to feel extremely firm. This is because of a blend of filler and expanding. They will slowly relax over the course of the following fourteen days.

Q. How long do lips stay swollen after filler?

A. Growing and redness around the lip region are basic during lip infusion recuperation. The measure of lip filler utilized can likewise affect the degree of growth. These ordinary results with lip infusions will be more recognizable and normally top following two days, dying down following fourteen days.

Q. Do lip fillers get bigger after a few days?

A. Lip fillers start to work rapidly. It very well may be hard to see from the start because of the growth. Anyway, after around 3 to 5 days once the growing diminishes, your stout lips should start to take full shape.

Until Next Time Xo Vive Medispa

Micaela Sacchetti