Here are 5 things to expect after Lip Filler

Full lips are all the rage and lip filler is the best way nonsurgical way to achieve that fuller and more youthful look. Lip fillers use a type of filler called dermal filler, typically including hyaluronic acid, a soft and gel-like substance that plumps and hydrates. As a newcomer to lip filler, it can be nerve-wracking when you are unsure what to expect. We are here to give you all the info you will need to feel at ease prior to your appointment.


 Dermal fillers can range in thickness, going from thin to thicker depending on your desired look. Those looking for a more subtle look would reach for a filler on the thinner end and someone who desires structured and contoured lips should opt for thicker filler. Fillers address lip lines and wrinkles around the mouth while adding structure and volume. The type of filler you choose and the injection methods your doctor uses will depend on your goal.

A few popular filler brands are Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Ultra XC, Restylane Silk, and Restylane Defyne.


The beauty of a lip filler appointment ( besides your plump new lips of course) is how fast they are. You can achieve your lip goals in a quick office visit. Prior to injections, your doctor will apply a numbing cream to the area to reduce pain, you will barely feel a thing. You will be asked to ice your lips while you wait 15 minutes for the numbing agent to kick in. During the injections you’ll feel the pinch of the needle, and hopefully little else. After your injections, you’ll be sent home with lip ointment, ice, and after-care instructions.


Lip filler treatment addresses several areas of cosmetic concern, including the following:

  • Removes lip lines and wrinkles

  • Improves lip symmetry (top and bottom, or left and right side)

  • Contours and shape of the lips

  • Enhances the size and volume of the lips


Instant results!!! Swelling and bruising is a common lip filler side effect, however, it is very normal and will go away within the first week. At the two-week mark, your injector will book, a follow-up appointment for necessary touch-ups or adjustments to shape and size. After four weeks, you’ll see the final result.

The results of lip fillers are not permanent as the body naturally metabolizes the filler over time, the average time is from 6-8 weeks.


Swelling is the most common side effect and is most apparent in the first 24 hours after getting your Dermal Injections. Swelling will subside during the 2 week period and be completely unnoticeable after four weeks. we recommend not booking a lip filler appointment close to an important function.

Bruising is another common side effect and will also subside within the first 2 weeks.

Pain, redness, or itchiness at the injection site is also normal and should be mild. If you experience severe pain, redness or itching, or pain outside of the lip area, see your doctor.


The actual injections are only a piece of the puzzle, in order to recover properly, you must take the following precautions to ensure the best results.

  • Avoid makeup and lip products (other than those provided by your doctor) for the first 12-24 hours after your injections

  • To reduce swelling, itching, and pain, ice regularly throughout the first 24 hours with a clean ice pack

  • To reduce swelling, sleep with your head elevated on a firm pillow and avoid strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours

  • To reduce swelling and minimize infection, avoid high-temperature steam rooms or heated exercise studios in the first 48 hours

  • To reduce swelling, avoid foods high in sodium, and choose hydrating fruits and vegetables instead

  • To reduce bruising, avoid alcohol and blood thinners such as aspirin for the first 24 hours

  • For best results, avoid pressing firmly on the lips or massaging the lips for at least one week

  • For faster healing, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

We advise you always seek out a skilled professional and take the proper pre and post-procedure precautions to ensure the best possible results. Lip filler is an amazing self-esteem booster for many people. It can help you gain confidence in yourself, plus who doesn’t want that perfect pout.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How long do lips stay swollen after filler?

A. Growing and redness around the lip area are regular during lip infusion recuperation. The measure of lip filler utilized can likewise affect the degree of expansion. These ordinary results with lip infusions will be more perceptible and regularly top following two days, dying down following fourteen days.

Q. How soon can you wear lipstick after Lip fillers?

A. There is no clinical motivation behind why you can't have any significant bearing lipstick or lip sparkle straightforwardly subsequent to getting lip fillers. Treatment can leave the lips feeling somewhat delicate, so it is suggested that you leave it daily prior to applying make-up to the treatment region.

Q. How bad does lip filler hurt?

A. Shockingly it didn't do any harm. There was a sharp squeeze as the needle broke the skin and that is it and it helps if the surgeon is a professional. The vibe of the item pushing its way under my skin felt more bizarre than awkward.

Until Next Time xx Vive medispa

Micaela Sacchetti